Friday, January 25, 2008

If your too bored and wants to know a little more about my (politically) correct answers, here's where you can go :

Its supposed to be a e-portfolio created by students why flunked their English test taking the module EG1471. It carries 0 MCs but somehow it seemed more interesting than any other core modules that I've taken.

Oh and not forgetting to acknowledge my secret editor who'll be around to wipe out any deficiency in my use of language.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The inconvenient truth

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seemed like such fun
Until you lose what you had won



On a lighter note, here's recap of the pleasant surprise 2 days ago at Macdonalds

If you're one of those who's forgotten (e.g Jeremy..), shame on you ! But that just makes us even since I'm usually the main culprit when it comes to remembering birthdays. (sorry dear)

Also like to apologise on my negligence of this blog. Oh no, it must have bored the hell out of you readers ! But if I were to list out every single thing I have done over these past 2 months or so, I might as well publish a book already. Also no thanks to all these recent numerical formulas that been crammed into my head that has inevitably distanced me from what is know as "English" .. and "Alphabets".

Hopefully the compulsory 0 MC module known as "English for academic writing" will turn things around ..

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sunday Morning

Excellent song for the wee hours of a Sunday morning cruising along PIE. Having sent my cousins family off at the Airport, I couldn't help but sense some bittersweetness. Having spent most the last 9 days in their company, driving to every corner of singapore, entertaining their 3 year old daughter has also made me hate children a little less.

Now that the house has quietened down again, its also about time the car gets returned to its rightful owner.

School's starting in a week ! *celebrates with sarcasm*