Friday, November 23, 2007

Here's a pic to complement my mood

Thursday, November 22, 2007

pre exam blues and banter

We have finally come to the end of the semester. Much like in games where you have to come face to face with the boss, we students, too will need to face the exams. If you "die", chances are , you will have to respawn from the beginning of the stage and start over again...

At times like these, you start cramming everything into ur head
- things that you missed completely
- things you thought you knew (then realise you actually don't) and
- things you actually knew but forgotten over time.

So back to the analogy of bosses appearing at the end of every stage. You defeat one so you may begin another stage, just to face a more powerful boss in a matter of time.

Will there ever be an end ?

Ans : refer to blog subtitle ;)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Its the beginning of the final week of semester 1... and I'm starting to feel really panicky about my progress.. countless loopholes in tutorials still left unanswered. And I have barely started on Organizational Behavior.

and then I thought, will there ever be a time when you could sit down and tell yourself, I am confident now that I have mugged enough ?

Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Lie

A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement with the intention to deceive, often with the further intention to maintain a secret or reputation.

the purpose ?

To make someone happy by complimenting on his/her efforts, even though deep down you know that the standard's below par.

To avoid confrontation cos speaking the truth will only complicate things. Better to not say at all or to twist the story.

To avoid dampening moods
by putting up a false front, you will blend in with your peers. Revealing your negative emotions will simply spoil everyone's mood.

To get your point across by exaggerating on things and situations. Else it might just be taken light heartedly.

To achieve your goal, for example a lawyer defends his client, whom in reality is guilty of committing a crime. (reminds me of Jim Carrey's Liar Liar)

Fact of the matter is..
Truth hurts.

So its better to lie sometimes. Of course not so much to the extend that you start losing trust. I'm just making some general instances on why people lie. In no way do I advocate such doings. Trust me ;)