If you realised, the frequency of me updating this blog is comparable to that of a snail's movement. But on the contrary, the enthusiasm has not faded a single bit - as proven in my latest post which garnered such overwhelming response. Kudos to you my dear readers.
Here's a summary of whats been going on around me..
Yesterday was disastrous. I attempted my first essay (t be graded) in a span of 6 years (4 years in poly + 2 years n army). Blogging and filing WITS report in army not included. As expected. The handwriting was horrible, there were tonnes of cancellations, made me realize how much Iv taken for granted that "<- backspace" key all along.
Night before was spent at holland v - essential brew. Nothing much except for lotsa yakking and gossiping. Everyone seemed pretty fascinated with CLUBBING, photo whoring and pairing up couples. It all seemed like my life has suddenly skipped a few years back in time. But one thing's for certain, hanging out with these 19-20 year old has made me feel younger.
Tues night was spent in Timbre with the good company of Dan. There was supposed to be a Third but was turned down last minute due to well.. "uncomfortable" reasons. Oh well, as the saying goes - some things in life you can't have it all. Much of the evening was spent reminiscing the "good" times in Army. The endless canteen breaks, the dead boring nights spent prowling and guarding the gates, the star studded night in wallaby, the bumpy rides on tonner, the constant nagging and orders from our superiors, the morning mass runs along bt batok estate .. etc etc
Memorable and fascinating as the army days may be, I will have to accept the fact that such chapter in life is truly over. As someone once advised " Do move on, but let the memories not fade".