Thursday, December 14, 2006

blog blog blog !

Its not a chore or anything, doesn't mean u start means ur obligated to keep it running. Its up to the author actually- if he has the time and is willing to put in the efforts to share with his readers .. be it his personal thoughts, an event or encounter ..or just simple music videos off youtube. There's no conventional standards to that u must adhere to.

I, for one doesn't pen down all my daily activities - where I'v been, what I'v done, what Iv bought - simply so because I don't see a need to. Just because everybody's doing it in their blogs doesn't mean I have to follow suit. In fact, anyone with a good command on writing can bring even the most mundane of activities to life, don't you agree? To the easily jealous, this may even create enviousness, resentment or, who knows I'd even be labeled an icon of narcissism.

Then again, I do occasionally get requests to blog about particular events cos my faithful friends know me well enough would like to kaypo more .. On the other hand, I would also like to know what my friends been doing whats going on in their lives etc.. Its about striking a right balance; and that refers to you Quek, don't be shy to blog while ur away at NYC alright ~?

What I do, if you havn't noticed by now- is a mixture of arguments on local / current affairs which I deem controversial, and some of my personal outcries to soothen my mood. Add that to a sprinkle of Music , Images and my Artistic works of Photography rounds it up.

Sure, some introverts might argue that they'd rather keep personal issues to themselves instead of revealing them for all to see. There may be times when certain sensitive / touchy issues were deemed inappropriate to be voiced, very well.. just keep it to yourself then. For all the rest, I see the outcry as a solution to ease your emotional buildup.


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