Tuesday, November 07, 2006


"Biathlon Training"

To use that term would seem too extreme, considering the actual event would take up to 10x the distance, as compared to what we went though this morning.

2 laps (100m) swim + ~0.9km run around camp parameters completes 1 set.
We did a total of 2. Come thursday, rumors say its gonna be 3.

Physically, I don't find that taxing since I'm pretty used to it. In fact, for the entire period, my head was pretty flushed by the adrenaline cos we've never attempted such mass-orgy like activity before.. imagine ard 20 people in the pool at one time..

What I found awkward was having to run half naked around the camp with another bunch of mindef uncles and aunties concurrently having their healthy-lifestyle runs... Normally, biathelets put on their top form the post swim runs ; and we're doing the opposite.

Another interesting thing I found out is the slight loss of balance after the swim. So there I was running in tipsy manner, round the camp half naked (with some loose skin wobbling with each stride I take)..


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